
Capital Markets

Capital Markets

The recent financial crisis has led to a significant increase in the level of regulation, oversight and scrutiny of the financial services sector. Governments around the world are placing a greater emphasis on risk management and operational procedures, intensifying the pressure on investment banks, brokerage firms and hedge funds.

This increase in regulation comes at a time when many financial organisations are in a transitional stage as they look to meet the challenge of falling revenues and profitability.

BS Tech consulting’s capital markets experts help financial institutions overcome these challenges by developing innovative solutions that allow you to meet your regulatory requirements and exploit the considerable opportunities that change brings. Our customers range from global investment banks to hedge funds. This expertise means that BS Tech consulting is accustomed to ‘heavy-lifting’ projects, short term and permanent talent sourcing which address complex business challenges, whatever the size of your organisation.

Our solutions cut across:

  • Cloud Engineering Services
  • Front office innovation
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Risk management
  • Operational efficiency
  • Recruitment

Banking regulatory compliance


Empowering banks in a changing environment with new players and ever more stringent regulation

Our solutions cut across

  • Exponential Banking
  • Payments
  • Core Banking
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Recruitment

Leading insurance comanies to go digital


BS Tech consulting supports leading insurance companies in their digital transformation

Our solutions cut across

  • Customer centricity
  • Claims management
  • Digital channels
  • IT efficiency
  • Recruitment

Product launch - quality management


BS Tech consulting will support you from new product launch to process optimization, project and quality management, as well as special know-how in innovative projects.

Our services cut across

  • Quality management method(FMEA)
  • Project management
  • Development processes
  • Business processes
  • New build launch support
  • Software engineering
  • Product safety consulting
  • Open source software management
  • Recruitment

Delivering effective public services

Public Sector

Delivering effective public services means getting the big decisions right, and you can’t do that without having the very best staff and technology at your disposal. At BS Tech consulting we are equipped to deliver the right capability for public service.

Our services cut across

  • E-payment
  • E2E portal optimisation
  • Development process
  • Operational excellence and resilience
  • Software development
  • Pay roll
  • Supply chain management
  • Recruitment

Specialist telecommunication skills


Whichever specialist skills your vacancy demands, our in-depth knowledge of the telecoms market and innovative ideas enables us to work quickly to find you the most suitable option for your environment.

Our services cut across

  • Operational excellence
  • Business processes optimisation
  • Automation and digitisation
  • Cloud technology
  • Software development
  • Recruitment